The Perilous State of Mental Health in America: Taking a Closer Look at the Data

May is Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States. Organizations from around the country use this month to bring awareness and resources through conversations, testimonies, and resources. Through nationwide advocacy, we have seen an improvement in the stigmatization of mental health conditions, however, the percentage of Americans suffering still remains high.

Americans are experiencing more stress than ever before due to a variety of reasons. However, one promising aspect is that society seems to be more aware of the state of their mental health and appears to have more knowledge of what’s causing the decline and what they can do to help themselves and their loved ones.

Mental Health Technologies (MHT) is committed to destigmatizing mental health conditions and advocating for awareness, technology, and innovations to help provide clinicians and patients easier access to diagnostics and treatment options. In these unprecedented times, we believe that our healthcare system as a whole should make it their mission to continue to seek out and invest in such opportunities for our communities.

Mental Health in America

Mental Health in Numbers

At the close of 2022 the American Psychiatric Association (APA) conducted a poll on America's mental health.

According to the results:

1. Approximately two out of five—or 37 percent—American adults said that they would rate their mental health as being fair or poor, a 6 percent increase from a year prior.

2. One in four—or 26 percent—anticipated they would feel additional stress starting in 2023, up 5 percent from 2021. The top reasons given, in order, were:

    • Personal finances

    • The uncertainty a New Year brings

    • Physical health

    • The present state of their mental health

    • Relationships (friends & family)

    • Job security

    • Romantic relationships

    • Abiding to their New Year's resolutions

    • Traveling

3. 29 percent stated they would be making resolutions that would help improve their mental health. The top answers were:

    • Exercising

    • Meditating

    • Seeing a therapist

    • Focusing on spirituality

    • Taking a break from social platforms

    • Journaling

    • Using a mental health app

    • Seeing a psychiatrist

The guidance of a mental health professional can be vital to one’s overall mental state. And with two in five adults now considering therapy, we see a lot of hope for the future. (Reference 1)

However, not all states are created equal when it comes to mental health and the care provided. Mental Health America recently ranked the United States by the prevalence of mental health conditions compared to the access of care available.

Top five states with the lowest cases of mental health issues and highest access of care:

  1. Kentucky

  2. Hawaii

  3. New York

  4. Pennsylvania

  5. Wisconsin

Top five states with the highest cases of mental health issues and lowest access of care:

  1. Kansas

  2. Wyoming

  3. Arizona

  4. Oregon

  5. Alabama

For America’s youth, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin remain in the top five for the best states to reside in and Oregon and Alabama remain in the bottom five. (Reference 2)

MHT: Helping Clinicians Diagnose Patients Since 2018

At MHT, we strive to improve your patients’ path to wellness through an enhanced series of HIPPA-compliant automation.

Our streamlined service includes five steps:

  1. The patient receives an assessment to complete in the privacy of their own home

  2. Clinician receives and reviews the results through their electronic medical record

  3. An automated referral is sent to a behavior health specialist

  4. The patient is alerted via email for a consult

  5. The clinician tracks subsequent test results & determines if follow-ups are necessary

Contact us today to learn more about MHT and how we are able to help support you and your patients. We look forward to speaking with you.




Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London.

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