Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Preparing Your Emotional State for the New Year + 5 Mental Health Resolutions

The first six weeks of a New Year’s Resolution are all many of us actually do. Even the most manageable and realistic resolutions can seem daunting. Especially when we mess up for the first time — it seems easier to accept that we cannot pull it off for an entire year and completely give up instead of shaking it off and starting over.

Our mental state is commonly overlooked in how we approach and succeed at our resolutions. And, when our new year goal is something that creates a healthier us (such as eating healthier or exercising more often), we need all the help we can get to stick to our resolutions.

We’re going to dive into five mental health resolutions you can make for the coming new year. But first, let’s talk about how you can prepare yourself to succeed.

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Dylan Winn-Brown Dylan Winn-Brown

Mental Health Struggles in School-Aged Children: Leading Causes & Coping Mechanisms

Approximately one in six children suffer from a mental health condition — such as depression or anxiety — yet only half of those receive any type of treatment.

Overwhelming evidence shows that early treatment for adolescent youth is effective and helps set up children for success in school. In addition, the earlier proper treatment begins, the lesser the financial burden is later on.

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