Testing a patient's mental health before surgery is crucial for assessing surgical risks, obtaining informed consent, preparing patients for the procedure, optimizing postoperative recovery, and providing holistic care. It helps ensure patient safety, improves surgical outcomes, and supports the overall well-being of patients undergoing surgery.

MHT’s SmarTest is a cloud-based HIPAA-compliant platform for screening and recurring testing for Mental Disorders, Learning Disorders, Addictions, Wellness, ADD/ADHD, and Chronic Pain.


  • Increase Revenue

  • Improve quality of care

Surgeons may consider testing a patient's mental health for several important reasons:

  • Assessing a patient's mental health helps surgeons evaluate their overall well-being and identify any conditions or factors that may increase the surgical risk. Certain mental health conditions or medications can affect anesthesia, post-operative recovery, and potential complications. By understanding a patient's mental health status, surgeons can make informed decisions regarding surgical procedures and optimize patient safety.

  • Informed consent is a vital component of the patient-surgeon relationship. Testing for mental health allows surgeons to provide comprehensive information to patients regarding the potential impact of their mental health on the surgical process and outcomes. This enables patients to make informed decisions about their treatment, understand potential risks, and actively participate in their care.

  • Surgery can be a stressful experience for patients, and preoperative mental health assessment can help identify and address any psychological concerns. This assessment enables surgeons to develop tailored preoperative strategies to support patients, reduce anxiety, and improve coping mechanisms. It may involve collaboration with mental health professionals to provide appropriate interventions or referrals.

  • Mental health can significantly influence a patient's postoperative recovery and overall outcome. By testing for mental health, surgeons can identify potential risk factors for postoperative complications, such as poor adherence to postoperative instructions, non-compliance with medication, or impaired decision-making. Recognizing these factors allows surgeons to implement targeted support systems, such as additional counseling or follow-up care, to optimize the patient's recovery.

  • Incorporating mental health assessment into surgical practice promotes a holistic approach to patient care. It acknowledges the interplay between physical and mental health and ensures that the patient's overall well-being is considered. By addressing mental health concerns, surgeons can enhance patient satisfaction, improve outcomes, and provide comprehensive care beyond the surgical procedure itself.

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